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TsingHuaXiaoYouLogoThe Greater Houston
Tsinghua Alumni Association






For years, many Tsinghua Alumni in greater Houston area had been thinking to establish their own association. In the summer of 1996, some alumni (TING Yubo, HUANG Ming, ZHANG Qian and HUANG Shu, etc) who attended schools in Houston area held a meeting to discuss the idea of establishing a Tsinghua Alumni Association. Late in 1996, several alumni (LI Liping, ZHENG Shunfeng, etc.) from other states who came to work in Houston area were also discussing the very same idea. By the end of 1996, these two groups of people finally connected with each other and began to seriously prepare for forming an alumni association.

In the spring of 1997, the preparatory work was going in full steam and plan was made to formally announce the establishment of Greater Houston Tsinghua Alumni Association on the day of the 86th anniversary of Tsinghua University, April 26, 1997 during a big celebration party. The preparatory committee sent various advertisement through CND and other Internet newsgroups as well as local newspaper to notify local alumni. The preparatory committee managed to convene several meetings in University of Houston to prepare the bylaws, organize the election (through the Internet) for council members and prepare for the celebration party. In mid April, ten council members were elected to serve as the first term officials for the association. The official celebration party was held in Chinese Consulate at Houston in the night of April 26, 1997. More than 100 alumni and guests attended the grand party. A special guest, Dr. SHI Zongkai of Office of President, Tsinghua University, who came to the States to establish Tsinghua Education Fundation, flew from New York to give a key note speech in the grand celebration party.

Greater Houston Tsinghua Alumni Association (aka, TAA) has been registered with State of Texas as a non-profit organization. Currently we boast a registered membership of about 130. We have members who just freshly graduated from Tsinghua University. We also have members who have been in the States for many years. We hope this organization of our own, whose membership shares a very similar education background, faces a very similar challenge in this new continent, will rise above its members' expectations and fulfill its mission as prescribed by its Bylaws.

The Council for Greater Houston Tsinghua Alumni want to thank all our members for their continuing support to our work. We also welcome any donation from our members as well as general public to support our various activities.

TAA Council


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Copyright © 1999 The Greater Houston Tsinghua Alumni Association
Last modified: May 29, 1999